Bold-One Maxtreme


BRAND: Maxtreme

SUBSTANCE: Boldenone undecylenate (Equipose)

PACK: 10 ampoules (100mg/ml)

Equipoise – a steroid drug, popular among sports fans. Initially, the active substance (boldenone) was used in the veterinary field, and later migrated to sports pharmacology.
From a chemical point of view, the active substance is testosterone, a feature of which is in the presence of an additional bond between the first two carbon atoms. This nuance retains similar anabolic characteristics (index 100) and simultaneously reduces the androgenic properties of the drug.

In their parameters, Equipoise is often compared with nandrolone, but their effect is different, and in the proposed drug it is much closer to endogenous testosterone. Together with this, both steroids can be used together in special courses on weight gain.

How to take Equipoise

The course of Equipoise lasts approximately 8 to 10 weeks. The average dosage varies between 400 and 800 milligrams. Before the beginning of admission is recommended to conduct a complete examination of the body and consult a doctor. This will allow you not only to avoid possible side effects, but also to correctly determine the duration of the course and dosage. Exceeding the norm above 800 milligrams almost never leads to better results, but only increases the risk of negative reactions. As for how to take Equipoise in combination with other AAS, the best combinations on “drying” are Anavar and Winstrol. The duration of the course is reduced to one and a half months (due to a significant suppression of the level of endogenous testosterone). After 2 weeks after the reception, PKT begins: the hormone balance will be restored by testosterone booster.

Combination Equipoz on the course

Course on weight. When building muscle mass, you need to buy Testosterone Enanthate (250 mg each), Equipoise (200-250 mg), Tamoxifen (two tablets); Anastrozole (1 mg / tab) or Letrozole (2.5 mg / tab).
This option is perfect for beginners. Equiposis will reduce the dose of Testosterone, but it does not reduce the anabolic effect. Tamoxifen, in turn, will minimize the possibility of side effects.
Course on drying. It is required to buy Testosterone Propionate (100 mg), Equipoise (200 mg), Winstrol (50 mg or tablets), Anastrozole (1 mg / tab) or Letrozole (2.5 mg / tab), Tamoxifen (20 mg tablets).
The result from the course will be similar to the first version of the course, but adding Winstrol will improve the quality of dry muscle mass. Two weeks after the end of the drug should be PKT: Testosterone boosters will help to quickly restore the hormonal balance.