HCG 5000IU Bharat serums


BRAND: Bharat serums


PACK: 1 vial of 5000IU

Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is a hormone produced by the placenta in pregnancy in women. Together with urine, this hormone is excreted from the body in an unchanged form. It is then extracted, purified and used to create drugs, to which it is included. Human chorionic gonadotropin has similar biological properties, like luteinizing hormone (gonadotropin hormone or gonadotropin). The latter is formed in the pituitary gland of the human brain.

Researches of scientists and doctors have shown inefficiency of the given preparation at the use inside in structure of food additives.
Today, various pharmaceutical companies are producing a large number of drugs that contain this hormone HCG. After intramuscular injection, this drug is well absorbed. The half-period of excretion is several hours, with the effect of one injection of this drug persisting for 5-6 days.

Injection chorionic gonadotropin is a dry substance enclosed in an ampoule (vial). To this bottle, containing the HCG hormone, an ampoule with liquid is used to dissolve this preparation. Most often the liquid is a sodium chloride substance. The powder is readily soluble. The resulting mixture should be administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously. If not all of the liquid is used, the remainder should be sealed in a container and placed in a refrigerator. HCG powder is important to store in a dry dark place at a temperature of no higher than +25 degrees Celsius.

Chorionic gonadotropin effects:

  • It increases the synthesis of sex hormones
  • It has the effect of testosterone
  • Strengthening of spermatogenesis
  • Development of sexual organs and secondary sexual characteristics

Side effects of human chorionic gonadotropin:

  • At the heart of its side effects are identical to testosterone
  • strong Flavoring
  • gynecomastia
  • water retention
  • Closing growth zones
  • acne