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BRAND: Dragon Pharma

SUBSTANCE: Drostanolone propionate (Masteron)

PACK: 10 ampoules (200mg/ml)

Masteron is an injection steroid that contains the propionate form of the active ingredient drostanolone. Drostanolone is a derivative (derivative) of dihydrotestosterone, 2a-methyl-dihydrotestosterone. Due to the elimination of the double bond between the 4 th and 5 th positions, drostanolone proved to be practically unaffected by the aromatase action, and hence – the conversion into estradiol. Moreover, studies show that drostanolone has a sufficiently pronounced antiestrogenic activity. This is not strange, if you recall that the drug is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, and DHT directly reduces the activity of estrogens in the tissues (estrogens join the corresponding receptors, but do not activate them). Masteron is a mild androgen with pronounced anabolic properties.

Course of Masteron

The best results can be achieved if you apply the drug four to five hundred milligrams per week. If we continue to increase the dose, this will not give a higher result. The drug Masteron should be taken with regularity in a day or thrice a week, because propionate has a short chain.

Side effects:

Drostanolone propionate has weak anabolic properties, which is why there is a fairly high probability that during the course of the occurrence of androgen-mediated pobochki: acne, alopecia, hypertrophy of the prostate. However, such side effects are extremely rare, only with excessive weekly dosages and with excessively long-term use of the drug.

Masteron does not cause such side effects as fluid retention, elevation of blood pressure and low toxicity for the liver. It does not provoke problems with joints and ligaments, which is typical in case of using Winstrol; Drostanolone never leads to bad cholesterol levels in the blood.