Nandrobolin Alpha Pharma


BRAND: Alpha Pharma

SUBSTANCE: Nandrolone decanoate (Deca)

PACK: 10 ampoules (250mg/ml)

Nandrobolin-250 from Alpha-Pharma (India) is an injectable anabolic and androgenic steroid, effective, therefore used in mass-gathering courses. Has an active substance nandrolone decanoate, – a form of a long-acting steroid, active up to 15-16 days after the injection. The drug is characterized by minimal aromatization and restorative properties of the body (from increasing stamina to strengthening immunity).


It is a steroid drug of prolonged action, with a connection with which for the manifestation of the optimal effect requiring continuous administration. The course of injections can effectively last up to 8-10 (or more) weeks, depending on the experience, tasks and tolerability of the body of the athlete. The effect during the course of development does not develop rapidly, but gradually, like methenolone enanthate.

The recommended dosage of Nandrobolin-250 is 250-500 mg per week (with the requirement and excellent tolerability – up to 750 mg per week). Effective doses, like the periodicity, and the duration of application, are selected only individually, otherwise they may prove to be inadequate or on the contrary excessive (which in the first case threatens with no results, and in the second case, with side effects)

The course of Nandrobolin-250 is often combined. The drug is efficiently and relatively safely combined with most of the topical steroids for sports use, what amateurs and professionals of sports use: combined with esters of testosterone, methandienone, methenolone, stanozolol, boldenone, tridentolone, drostanolone and other drugs according to the tasks.

Side effects

Nandrobolin is a fairly safe steroid. Due to low androgenic activity, reactions like acne, hair loss or alopecia almost never occur. Also, nandrolone does not cause estrogenic manifestations. Side effects from Nandrobolin can be as follows: most often – headache (about a fifth of users), less often – rhinitis, back pain and back, rash.