Testabol Depot British Dragon


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BRAND: British Dragon

SUBSTANCE: Testosterone cypionate

PACK: 10ml vial (200 mg/ml)

Testabol Depot refers to British Dragon’s injectable steroids. With its use, the growth of muscle mass and strength indicators increases. The main active ingredient is testosterone cypionate, which is considered to be the longest testosterone ester. The substance is active for 14 days after ingestion. The half-life is 6-8 days. Due to the long period of activity, the steroid can cause fluid accumulation, so it is combined with other AAS.

Effects of reception

  • Increase in muscle mass. The steroid is expressed by muscle hypertrophy. In this pullback phenomenon due to loss can reach 30%.
  • The increase in power performance.
  • Increased libido and sexual desire on the course. After discontinuation of the drug is necessary to restore the level of endogenous testosterone.
  • recovery acceleration. The athlete can train more often and more intensively.
  • Stimulation of hematopoiesis (increase aerobic endurance).
  • Increased motivation.

Course and dosage of Testabol Depot

This drug is used in sports for quite a long time, and over the years the statistics showed that to buy Testabol Depot is most often preferred for use from 250 to 500 mg per week for 8-10 weeks.

More in detail calculate the duration of the course and dosage, while it is possible only with the involvement of a highly qualified sports specialist. It is desirable that this calculation involved, the personal trainer, who trains, planning to use this drug athlete.

We must not forget that the training course for people using Testabol Depot should also be prescribed accordingly, because if the athlete does not receive sufficient physical exertion in the gym, the effect of the drug will not be particularly effective.