Testabol Propionate British Dragon


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BRAND: British Dragon

SUBSTANCE: Testosterone Propionate

PACK: 10ml vial 100 mg/ml

Testabol Propionate 100 is a high-speed testosterone preparation effective for use with the purpose of qualitative muscle growth without unnecessary water retention and fat accumulation. It has the active substance testosterone propionate, – the shortest of the commercially available testosterone esters.

Effects of reception

  • Acceleration of the growth of muscle mass and strength by increasing the synthesis and protein and significantly reduce the time between training recovery.
  • Increased libido, hair growth acceleration in androgennozavisimyh zones (on the face, chest)
  • Positive impact on the joints. This is due to accumulation of fluid in the joint capsule.
  • The acceleration of lipolysis (fat-burning).
  • Improving efficiency, reducing fatigue.

Course Testabol propionate

The duration of the course is about 4-6 weeks. After the injection, the substance is active for 24-48 hours. The effect comes very quickly, a few days after the first application. Injections should be done once in 2-3 days. In some cases, a steroid can be used for women, but the dosage should not exceed 25-50 mg per week.

Due to its high androgenic activity, Testabol propionate is recommended to be used in conjunction with other AAS. The first dose of the drug should be started with 50 ml. Injections must be performed every other day. More experienced athletes, based on individual indicators, you can increase the dosage to 100 ml. When combining the course, it is best to use trenbolone acetate, masterone, stanozolol or primobolan.