Testo-Cypmax Maxtreme


BRAND: Maxtreme

SUBSTANCE: Testosterone cypionate

PACK: 10 ampoules (250mg/ml)

Testosterone cypionate, available as an oily solution for injection, is the ester of a male hormone with the longest half-life.

The steroid profile

  • Anabolic effect – 100% of the testosterone.
  • Androgenic effects – 100% of the testosterone.
  • The level of exposure to the axis of the hypothalamus-pituitary-testes – a significant reduction.
  • Toxicity to the liver – is absent.
  • Conversion to estrogen – high.

Testosterone cypionate (as well as any other form of hormone) operates through anabolic receptors. Because of this significantly increases their ability to retain nitrogen – material to create muscle proteins.

How to take testosterone cypionate

solo course is perfect for beginners, since it will provide a good result without the use of any other anabolic steroids. While taking the drug should adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Weekly injections best provide a constant high concentration of active substances in the blood.
  2. The recommended amount anabolic is 250-500 mg per week. Experienced athletes sometimes lead this amount and to 800-1000 mg per shot, but it is fraught with postefektami. But an even greater number do not cause any positive change, only pobochki.
  3. From the second week introduced Proviron to block flavor.
  4. The course can be completed in the fourth week, but if you plan on its renewal, beginning with the third week, you must add it gonadotropin (500 IU per week).
  5. Regenerative therapy is tamoxifen.