Testobase Alpha Pharma


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BRAND: Alpha Pharma

SUBSTANCE: Testosterone suspension

PACK: 10 ampoules (100mg/ml)

TestosteroneBase or Suspension is an injectable preparation containing testosterone (without esters) in a watery solution.
TestosteroneBase or Suspension is often classified as the most powerful injectable steroid because of its instantaneous action.
It provides an incredibly fast set of muscle mass and strength. TestosteroneBase or Suspension begins penetration into the bloodstream immediately after the injection, because of which its effect is felt immediately.
TestosteroneBase provides an incredibly fast set of muscle mass and strength. Suspension Testosterone enters the bloodstream immediately after the injection, as a result of which the effect of this product is felt instantly.

Testosterone suspension: course and dosage.

To put injections Suspensions of testosterone are recommended daily, since the high concentration of the drug remains in the blood only for 2-3 days after the injection. Depending on the athlete’s goals, the dosage ranges from 50 to 100 mg / day. Each next injection must be put in a new location. This will help to avoid local side effects. The recommended course duration is a maximum of 4-5 weeks. Exceeding the recommended period can lead to suppression of endogenous testosterone secretion. To cope with this problem, and therefore, to extend the course, it is possible with the help of Gonadotropin.