Trenbolin (ampoules) Alpha Pharma


BRAND: Alpha Pharma

SUBSTANCE: Trenbolone enanthate

PACK: 10 ampoules (250mg/ml)

Trenbolone enanthate is the longest ester of steroid trenbolone. It is ideal for mass-gathering cycles, it improves power performance, and when using Trenbolon Enanthata, there is an increase in the quality of muscle mass.

The effects from the use of trenbolone enanthate

following positive changes observed in a result of trenbolone enanthate:

– there is a very rapid increase in muscle mass,

– maximizes power rates,

– increases the level of insulin-like growth factor,

– combust excess subcutaneous fatty layer through formulation of growth hormone,

– increases libido,

– decreases the level of cortisol.

Trenbolone enanthate – course

The duration of steroid use should not exceed 8 weeks. The maximum dosage is 300 ml. Injections are done 1-2 times a week. It is very convenient for those who do not like frequent injections. Admission should begin with a minimum dosage, so that it is possible to follow the reaction of the body. The drug is not recommended for beginning athletes and women, since it has a very powerful effect.

If the program is aimed at gaining muscle mass, then the solo course of Trenbolone Enanthate will be enough. If the goal is drying, then you can turn on the reception of Winstrol or Anavar.

If the course exceeds 5 weeks, it is necessary to include gonadotropin intake starting from the second week of the course and three weeks after the end. Also, after the end of the intake of testosterone enanthate and its removal from the body, it is necessary to begin post-course therapy. It consists in taking toremifene or clomid. To restore the production of natural testosterone, it is necessary to use testosterone booster.